Membership Agreement



To use this website (hereinafter referred to as the "SITE"), please read the terms written below. Before becoming a member of the SITE, please read this agreement carefully and do not complete your membership to the site without confirming all the articles contained in the agreement. Every natural and legal person who benefits from the services offered on this SITE or accesses the SITE in any way is deemed to have accepted the following terms of use.


As this contract is indefinite, it imposes rights and obligations on the parties regarding the site that is the subject of the contract, and when the parties accept/approve this contract electronically/online, the contract is deemed to have been concluded, becomes effective from this moment, by becoming a member of the "" site, they accept, declare and undertake that they have read the entirety of this agreement, fully understood its content and approved all its provisions.


Gorgolette reserves the right to change, reorganize, and stop broadcasting any service, product, terms of use available on this site or mobile application, and any information presented on the site or mobile application without prior notice. Changes take effect on the site or mobile application on the date of publication. Gorgolette recommends its Members and Users to visit the legal notice page every time they enter the site or mobile application.





a) Kosuyolu Mh., which carries out the activities of the website Kosuyolu Cad. Emirhan Apt. Başak Serkek (hereinafter referred to as Gorgolette), residing at No.204/9 Kadıköy Istanbul.


b) Internet user who is a member of the website ("Member")


1) SITE: It is the website that can be accessed from the online environment where various services and content are offered within the framework determined by


2) MEMBER: Any natural and legal person who wishes to use to purchase products/goods/services and whose membership is accepted to by filling out the membership form they have chosen completely. In this agreement, they will be referred to as "MEMBER" for short. Individuals who are over the age of 18 can become members by filling out the relevant membership form on the SITE with their real identity information. By filling in the relevant membership form on the SITE, with the legal information of companies (Individuals and partners), Collective Companies, Ordinary Commandite Companies, Limited Companies, Limited Companies, Joint Stock Companies, Cooperatives and other institutions that want to become a MEMBER, and the legal officer who is over the age of 18, on the SITE. They can become a MEMBER and act on behalf of their institutions. The "member name" is unique to the member and the same "MEMBER name" cannot be given to two different MEMBERS.


3) USER: is the person who visits the website,, with or without shopping.


4) APPROVAL PROCESS: This is the action required by the MEMBER to activate the USER's membership by sending a message in the membership form from


5) LINK: It is a link that enables access to another website, files, content or from another website to the SITE, files and content through the SITE.


6) CONTENT: All kinds of information, files, pictures, programs, figures, prices, etc. published or accessible on the SITE and/or any website. visual, literary and auditory images.



7) WEBSITE TERMS OF USE AND MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT: This is the contract concluded electronically between the real and/or legal persons who will benefit from the commercial and personal services offered through the SITE and the website.



8) PERSONAL INFORMATION: Member's identity, address, e-mail address, telephone number, IP address, which parts of the SITE he visited, domain type, browser type, date of visit, time etc. information.





The subject of this Agreement is to determine the terms of use of the member from the website of Gorgolette,


1) The website and the services to be provided through the SITE consist of electronic commerce defined in the Consumer Law legislation in general.


2) website, services to be provided through the SITE, but not limited to; The products offered for sale at; After the price has been paid by the MEMBER, if the stock status of the supplier is available, that is, the contract has imposed on the seller; if the obligation to deliver the goods is executable; It is the delivery of the goods to the customer by the cargo company on behalf of without any defects within the promised time.


3) is completely free to determine the scope and nature of the services to be provided through the SITE, and is deemed to have put into effect the changes it will make regarding the services by publishing it on the SITE.


4) In order to benefit from the services to be provided within the SITE, users must have the features to be determined by and to be specified in the content of the relevant section of the SITE. is completely free to determine these features and is deemed to have put into effect the changes it will make regarding the features by publishing it on the SITE.





3.1.Gorgolette always reserves the right to make changes and/or adaptations on prices and offered products and services, and reserves the right to close and delete information and content related to products and services to third parties, including users. uses this right without giving any notice and giving priority.


Users must immediately make changes and/or corrections requested by


If these change and/or correction requests are not fulfilled by the "users", they can be fulfilled by if deemed necessary. Legal and penal liability for damages that arise or may arise due to the failure to fulfill the change and/or correction requests by the users in a timely manner. It belongs entirely to the users.


3.2.Gorgolette accepts and undertakes that the member will benefit from the contracted services, excluding technical failures.


3.3. The user accepts in advance that he will not reverse engineer the use of the site or take any other action to find or obtain the source code of them, otherwise he will be liable for the damages that may arise before the third parties, and that legal and penal action will be taken against him.


3.4. The user accepts that he/she will be solely responsible for the damages he/she may suffer due to incomplete and incorrect information he/she has given while becoming a member of the site, and in case of giving wrong information and in case of breach of this contract by the Member, the company may terminate his/her membership unilaterally without any notice or warning.


3.5.The name and Internet Protocol (IP) address of the Internet service provider used by Gorgolette to improve and develop the website and/or to access the site within the framework of legal regulations, the date and time the site was accessed, the pages accessed while on the site and the Web that provides direct connection to the site. Some information such as the Internet address of the site may be collected. The user agrees to the collection of this information.


3.6. The user, in his activities on the site, in any part of the site or in his communications, is against general morality and good manners, is against the law, injures the rights of third parties, is misleading, offensive, obscene, pornographic, injures personal rights, violates copyrights, encourages illegal activities, agrees not to produce or share content. Otherwise, he/she is fully responsible for the damage and in this case, the 'Site' officials may suspend or terminate such accounts, and reserve the right to initiate legal proceedings. For this reason, if there are requests for information about activity or user accounts from judicial authorities, it reserves the right to share this information with the authorities.


3.7. The relations of the members of the site with each other or with third parties are under their own responsibility.


3.8. The Member and the User cannot use the website for a purpose contrary to the law, contrary to general morality, to disrupt public order, to disturb others.


3.9. The Member and the User shall indemnify all kinds of damages incurred by Gorgolette and due to their violation of the obligations undertaken under this contract, and to the public institutions of Gorgolette and due to the violation of the contract by the Member and the User. It declares, accepts and undertakes that it has the right of recourse to its Members and Users for any compensation and/or administrative and judicial fines that it may have to pay to third parties.


3.10. Gorgolette, website, mobile application virus etc. Although Members have taken the measures, they can take in order not to contain any software, Members are required to procure a virus protection program to provide ultimate protection. Members are responsible for all damages that may occur in their own software and operating systems when they enter the website, use the mobile application.


3.11. The ideas and thoughts expressed, written and used by the members on the website are completely the personal views of the members and bind the owner of the opinion. These views and thoughts have nothing to do with Gorgolette. Gorgolette does not have any responsibility for the damages that the member may incur due to the ideas and opinions expressed by the member, and the damages that the member may incur due to the ideas and opinions expressed by the third parties.


3.12. Gorgolette, in accordance with this membership agreement, has the authority to send notification e-mails to its members' registered e-mail addresses and informing SMSs to their mobile phones.





4.1. All proprietary or unregistered intellectual property rights, such as title, business name, trademark, patent, logo, design, information and method in this Site belong to the site operator and owner company or the person concerned, and are under the protection of national and international law. Visiting this Site or utilizing the services on this Site does not grant any right to such intellectual property rights.


4.2. The information on the site cannot be reproduced, published, copied, presented and/or transferred in any way. The whole or part of the Site cannot be used on another website without permission. In the event of such a violation, the user will be responsible for meeting the amount of compensation demanded from the company due to the damages incurred by third parties and all other obligations, including but not limited to court costs and attorney's fees.


4.3. The owner of this SITE is The information, texts, pictures, brands, slogans and other signs on this SITE, as well as the programs for the protection of information on other industrial and intellectual property rights, the page layout and the presentation of the SITE are the property of the organizations that has permission and license for. Including any database, website, html code of software-codes and other codes etc. related to the information in this SITE or the SITE pages. It is forbidden to partially or completely copy, modify, publish, send, distribute, sell the products, designs, pictures, texts, visual, audio and other images, video clips, files, catalogs and lists contained in the SITE with online or other media. The USER and MEMBER accept and undertake that they will not reproduce, copy, distribute, process the software, hardware and content of the SITE listed above and not limited to these, not to compete directly and/or indirectly with either by these actions or by other means. USER and MEMBER, to resell, process, share, distribute, exhibit or access services of company by someone else, services, information and copyrighted works of business or does not have the right to allow its use. Partial copying, printing, processing, distribution, reproduction, display of the information on this page is only possible for non-commercial personal needs and with the written permission of




5.1. The company will not disclose personal information transmitted by users through the site to third parties. This personal information; It contains all kinds of other information to identify the User, such as name-surname, address, telephone number, mobile phone, e-mail address, and will be referred to as "Confidential Information" for short.


5.2. User, promotion, advertisement, campaign, promotion, announcement etc. He/she accepts and declares that he/she consents to sharing the communication, portfolio status and demographic information of the company that owns the Site with its subsidiaries or group companies, and to receive electronic messages in this context for itself or its subsidiaries, limited to its use within the scope of marketing activities. This personal information can be used to determine the customer profile within the company, to offer promotions and campaigns suitable for the customer profile, and to carry out statistical studies.


5.3. The user has the right to cancel the consent given by this contract without explaining any reason. The company processes the cancellation immediately and refrains from receiving electronic messages within 3 (three) working days.


5.4. Confidential Information can only be disclosed to official authorities if this information is duly requested by official authorities and when disclosure to official authorities is obligatory in accordance with the provisions of the applicable mandatory legislation.





The Member is deemed to have declared, accepted and committed to comply with this contract by completing and approving this membership form or by using this site or by placing an order. It can be terminated unilaterally by Gorgolette.



7. CYCLE may assign this agreement in whole or in part at any time without notice. However, the USER and MEMBER cannot transfer this contract or any part of it to another party. Such a transfer attempt is invalid.





Gorgolette can change the services offered on the site and the terms of this contract, partially or completely, at any time. Changes will be effective from the date of publication on the site. It is the User's responsibility to follow the changes. The user is deemed to have accepted these changes by continuing to benefit from the services offered.





In all cases deemed force majeure by law, is not liable for late performance or non-performance of these Terms of Use and Membership Agreement. These and similar situations will not be deemed as delay or non-performance or default in terms of or any compensation obligation of will not arise for these situations.





Disputes arising from this "Terms of Use and Membership Agreement" are subject to Turkish Law and Central Courts and Enforcement Offices located in the province where Gorgolette business is located are authorized. The right of to file a lawsuit in the country where the USER and MEMBER is located is reserved.




11.1. The e-mail address that the member notifies to Gorgolette is considered to be the e-mail where the legal address will be requested for any notification regarding this contract. Any notification made to the Member using this e-mail address is deemed to be received by the Member 1 day after the mail is sent.


11.2. Unless the parties notify the other party in writing of changes in their existing e-mails within 5 (five) days, they agree that requests to old e-mails will be valid and will be deemed to have been made to them.


The Member declares, accepts and undertakes that he has read, understood, accepted all the articles in this membership agreement and approved the accuracy of the information he has given about himself, and that he has consented to all commercial posts sent to him after this approval.